Immigration Legal Defense Fund

HB 21-1194 or House Bill on Immigration Legal Defense Fund created the state’s Immigration Legal Defense Fund (ILDF). The ILDF provides free immigration legal services to help Coloradans and those detained in Colorado with their immigration court proceedings in order to promote due process, strengthen family unity, increase judicial efficiency, and protect civil liberties.

Through a competitive application process, ONA awards approximately $350,000 to qualified legal service providers annually.

Did You Know? 

Individuals in immigration proceedings with legal representation are much less likely to be detained and deported than those without it. The consequences of detention and deportation are deeply harmful to individuals and their families, but also to Colorado’s economy, through the direct and indirect costs of detention to employers and state and local governments.

Am I Eligible?

An individual is eligible if they are:  

  • In Colorado
  • In deportation proceedings
  • Otherwise unable to afford legal services

Building Immigration Legal Capacity through the Emerson Collective

Given the dearth of immigration legal service providers in CO, ONA has secured ~$200,000 in one year funding from the Emerson Collective to increase Colorado’s affordable immigration legal services capacity. ONA is partnering with three, nonprofit immigration legal services providers to increase the number of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Accredited Representatives (DOJ Reps) in Colorado by ~20%. ONA also plans to establish a statewide professional network for DOJ Reps to sustain and enhance future capacity building efforts. This is a low-cost, high-impact opportunity for the state.