English Language Acquisition (ELA) and Workforce Services


English Language Acquisition (ELA) and workforce services are central elements of refugee resettlement in Colorado and support refugees to build needed English skills and ensure economic self-sufficiency.


Am I Eligible? 

To receive ELA and workforce services, in addition to meeting program-specific requirements for enrollment (where applicable), you must have an ORR-eligible status. Learn more about eligible statuses on the Refugee Services Introduction page.


English Language Acquisition Service Providers

ELA classes are available in many locations (including virtual) and include instruction for all levels. Contact the individual service providers in the list below for class schedules and registration information.


Workforce Services

CRSP funds different partners to support refugees to enter the workforce and develop their careers in Colorado. Whether this means returning to their previous careers through credential attainment and networking, or gaining workplace skills for their first job in the U.S., our partners offer a wide range of support. Services may include resume writing, job search assistance, job retention support, career pathway navigation and referrals for training/credentialing. See more about how to connect to a resettlement agency on the Initial Resettlement webpage.


Career Development programs support refugees in navigating training, skill development and job search in order to pursue career changes or re-entry into their previous profession.

Employers who are interested in hiring talented refugees can get started by filling out this brief Refugee Employer of Choice Form.